Thursday, October 20, 2011


I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.
Ask God to help them;
intercede on their behalf,
and give thanks for them.
1 Tim 2:1 (NLT)

We are urged to pray for everyone.  The "all people" of this verse includes not only family, friends and neighbors, but bosses, political figures and superstars.  And, it includes, most especially, those we may have something against. 

Jesus tells us to pray for our enemies - those who have hurt us in some way.  This is a most remarkable request, one that goes against all of our natural inclinations. It doesn't seem reasonable that we should pray for God to help our enemies, that we should intercede for them or give thanks for them. 

The scripture goes even further suggesting that we not only pray for our enemies, but bless them.  It asks that we do good, lend to them, feed them and give them a drink of water if they are thirsty.  It asks us to replace our desire to retaliate with trust that God will bring his justice in the end. We are asked to replace the urge to talk back with the patient endurance that allows us to hold our tongue, to bless when we are cursed, to appeal gently when we are wronged, returning only good for evil. 

This is the description of an unbelievable and unique new life in God. All of these things are diametrically opposed to what we might naturally feel like doing.  These are hard things to do, but, these are the qualities that God is desiring to build in us.  These are the things that make us like our Father who is kind and does good, supplying the needs of evil and good people alike in the hope that all will respond to his call of love.

Who could you ask God to help today? - A friend, an enemy, a family member, your boss, a politician, a government official, a superstar? 

But to you who are willing to listen, I say, 
love your enemies
Do good to those who hate you.
Bless those who curse you. 
Pray for those who hurt you. 
Luke 6:27,28 (NLT)

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