Sunday, September 11, 2011

Glory & Honor

 When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers,  the moon and the stars you have set in place,  what are mortals that you should think of us, mere humans that you should care for us?  For you made us only a little lower than the heavenly beings and you crowned us with glory and honor.Psalm 8: 3-5 NLT
"Christianity is a lifetime of becoming who you really are." 
Ann Voskamp,, Sept. 5, 2011

When we look at the night sky and think of the vastness of all God has created we feel so small and insignificant.  How could the God who created all this care for us?  It is amazing to realize that we are actually the crowning glory of all he has made.  We were made just a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned with glory and honor.  We are infinitely precious and important to God.

Our position of glory and honor is a consequence of our recognition of our proper position under the one who created us.  When we step out from under the authority of our glorious creator we lose our position of glory and honor and become subject to this lower creation resulting in disorder and chaos.  Humans continually fall into the deception that they can be their own god.  (Genesis 3:5). 

Jesus came to restore our proper position by displaying what we were truly created to be.  He honored the father with reverent submission. (Hebrews 5:7) He is our example and as we look to him and live in him we are restored to that position of glory and honor we lost by our own self will.  In Jesus we are fully restored, accepted, and cared for.

My Creator King
by Don Moen

You, who made the mountains and the sea
Measured out the universe and you made me.
Echoes of the voice that called the worlds to be
Reached throughout the ages and now speaks to me.
You're my Creator King.

You, who made the valleys and the skies
Displayed your love on far horizons and before my eyes.
You, who lit the stars and set the dawn in time,
Called them all by name and now You whisper mine.
You're my Creator King.

Who am I that You are mindful of me?
Who am I that You set Your love on me?
You're my Creator King.

You, who made the darkness and the light,
Sun and moon to watch the day and guard the night.
The hand that stretched the heavens like a canopy
Reaches down to cover and watch over me.
You're my Creator King.

Listen to the song:

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