Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Brian's & My Le's rib feast.

You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.
Psalms 23:5 (NLT)

Jesus came to give us life, a full and abundant life, enjoying all of his good gifts and experiencing his love, joy and peace every day. 

Unfortunately, we are faced with many enemies that try to rob us of this abundant, satisfying life.  These enemies take many shapes; anxiety, depression, self-pity, fear, pride or anger. Our lack of knowledge of God and our lack of trust in him opens the door for these destructive things to take root in our lives.

God knows the temptations we face and so prepares a feast for us in the very presence of our enemies. It is not so much a matter of resisting and fighting against our enemies, but of believing in and receiving his life that makes the difference. He calls us to come and relax in his green pastures and feast at his table.  Just as we take in food and our bodies do the invisible work of assimilation that nourishes every cell and strengthens us, so also with the spirit. As we believe and take in the truth about him and all he is and has done, our spiritual being is strengthened.  The strength of his life begins to grow in us replacing our anger with love, our anxiety with peace and our sadness with joy. 

Jesus told the story of many invited to a great feast who were too busy to come (Matthew 22:1-14).  We need to take time to read, to listen, to meditate upon his words, to come to the feast and see what God has provided for us there.  As we feed upon the truths about God, we will be strengthened to resist those enemies which seek to destroy our souls.

The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. 
My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.  
John 10:10 (NLT)

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