Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bread of Life

 I am the bread of life.
John 6:48 (NIV)

As bread nourishes our bodies and gives us energy to live, so feeding on Jesus, the bread of life, nourishes our souls and spirits giving us a God kind of life.  Physical life will end, but the life that Jesus gives will last forever.  

Feeding on Jesus was a hard teaching for the disciples to accept.  Some even left him because they did not understand what he was talking about (John 6:66).  These are words that we cannot grasp fully with our minds, but words of life none the less.  As we, in simple faith, accept him as our source of life and nourishment we will be filled.

Just as we like to plan our meals and think about what we are going to have for breakfast, lunch or dinner, we can think about ways we can enjoy feasting upon him.  Some simple things we can do through out the day are; simply turning our thoughts toward him, thanking him for the good things in our lives, enjoying his creation and talking with him as we walk along the way.  We can spend some time nourishing our minds with his truth by reading and meditating on his life giving words. All of these things feed us.

Lord, thank you for the bread that you daily put upon our plates.  Help us to feast on you until we are full.

 Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, 
so the one who feeds on me will live because of me.
John 6:57 (NIV)

Listen to Fill My Cup Lord at:

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