Saturday, December 21, 2013


You will keep in perfect peace* all who trust in you, 
all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26:3 (NLT) 

We are all susceptible to a wandering mind.  Something that we perceive as negative happens and it instantly triggers some anxiety or fear.  Our minds begin to focus on the "what if's" and the worries, conjuring up disastrous scenarios for the future.   And, our minds are quick to judgment and blame. When things aren't going well, we can always find someone to blame.  We usually put a negative spin on other people's behavior.  All these toxic thoughts are killers. They destroy our peace and joy in the Lord.  

The question is, who's in control here?  Are we subject to thought-control, becoming slaves to our own thoughts?  Or, can we display self-control?  We are in need of self-control and discipline?  As soon as we sense our thoughts going down a negative path we can call a halt, shift gears and re-focus bringing our mind back to the only focus that brings us joy, peace and freedom.  We must make the choice to bring our focus back to the Lord, throw all our cares on him and trust him to take care of everything. That focus will always relieve us of anxiety, bring us to the point of peace and rest and fill our hearts with an understanding compassion and love towards others.

Lord, grant us the strength and wisdom to get our thoughts to stand at attention - attention on you.  Make us instantly aware when our thoughts begin to wander into negative territory and bring us back to a clear and single focus. 

*An interesting side note on the phrase "perfect peace."  The original Hebrew does not have the word "perfect."  The original has "shalom, shalom."  In other words, "peace, peace."   The word peace is used twice for emphasis.  The Hebrew word "shalom" doesn't just mean peace in the sense of freedom from conflict, but encompasses much more including the ideas of completeness, welfare and health.

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