Sunday, December 17, 2017

He Came Down

 Though he was God,
he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to.
 Instead, he gave up his divine privileges,
he took the humble position of a slave
and was born as a human being.
Phil. 2:6-7

Lourdes, France

I was awestruck by all the beautiful cathedrals we saw recently as we traveled in France and Spain -  such amazing buildings!  Each and every city or small town had its impressive cathedral or stone church at the center.   Many years of painstaking work went into the creation of each intricate detail all beautifully hand done by accomplished craftsmen. All the elements, the spires pointing upward, the domes and arches, the pillars and carvings were designed to point the heart heavenward, to create a place of worship to the high and exalted God. Unfortunately, the beautiful altars were inaccessible to the people. Only the privileged clergy were allowed to enter there.

Altar in the Mezquita, Cordoba

Now at Christmas, I am reminded of a more excellent place of worship - a wooden feeding trough where a tiny baby lay.  How different to look upon our mighty God in the form of a helpless infant - the exalted One come down in all weakness and frailty to make himself accessible to all.

This is the true place of worship.  In the cathedral our eyes and hearts are lifted to thoughts of heaven, but we can never reach the heights.  But here, at the manger, our eyes and hearts see a God who in his mercy has brought all his glories down to us .

Oh God, how we worship you this Christmas season. We kneel before the infant, the innocent lamb with praise and worship in our hearts knowing that when we could not reach you, you reached down to us and now you will never leave us. Thank you for coming down so that we could be lifted high to you.


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