Thursday, April 9, 2015

Hope and Faith

True hope is faith in action
 and the constancy of faith in all contradictory circumstances.
 Praying Through the Tough Times, Lloyd Ogilvie.

Hope is trusting in God, having faith and holding onto his word and promises no matter how things look in the outward appearance. Sometimes hope is hard to come by.  We may feel so discouraged and weighed down by the the problems of life that we cannot even lift our head. 

David describes that feeling so often in the Psalms.

                                     I am dying from grief;
my years are shortened by sadness.
Misery has drained my strength; 
I am wasting away from within.
 Ps. 31:10

And yet, he always seemed to find a way to encourage himself.

But I am trusting you, O LORD,
saying, "You are my God!"
My future is in your hands. 
Ps. 31:14

No matter how low we may feel, we can still say, "I trust in you, Lord.  My life is in your hands." 

Lord, we sometimes feel so impoverished with no hope or faith of our own. When we feel that low, so drained and discouraged, grant us your inspiration and your gifts of faith and hope. We put our trust in you.  We know that you are in charge and are working everything out for our good. 

So be strong and take courage
 all you who put your hope in the LORD!
Ps. 31.24

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