Monday, May 13, 2013


Peter stepped out of the boat onto the water
 and began walking toward Jesus. 
But when he remembered how strong the wind was, 
he lost his courage and began to sink.
 Mt. 14:29, 30

Our faith can fluctuate quickly in stops and starts.  Peter, in a moment of great faith, stepped out of the boat on to the fierce sea because he saw Jesus up ahead.  But, when he saw how strong the wind was and how high the waves he began to sink. 

Sometimes, like Peter, we step out in faith, out of our flimsy comfort zone, and move towards Jesus, believing he can get us through whatever we are facing. Then, when we look around and focus again on our problem rather than God, we are overcome by strong winds of emotion and waves of doubt. The power and strength of our problem looks bigger than God.

As soon as Peter began to sink he shouted, "Lord, save me!"   Jesus quickly reached out his hand and caught him and tenderly rebuked him saying, “Little Faith, why did you waver?” Then, Jesus and Peter climbed into the boat together and the wind was stilled. 

Sometimes we feel like our problem is too big for God.  That's the time to call out, “Lord, save me.”  He will not let us fall.  Even in our weakest moments, when our faith is small, Jesus does not condemn, but reaches out to catch and hold us and gently encourage us to believe again. Together, with God, we will get back to that boat and move through the sea of our problem until the wind dies down and the sea is calm.

Lord, I do believe.  Help my unbelief. (Mark 9:24)

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