So you should not be like cowering, fearful slaves.
You should behave
instead like God's very own children,
adopted into his family - calling him
Father, dear Father.
For his Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts
tells us that we are God's children.
8:15-16 (NLT)
Another benefit of being filled with God's spirit is freedom from fear. There
are many things that can cause fear to arise in us. We may not know God very
well and imagine him to be an arbitrary and cruel dictator waiting to crush us at
the first misstep. Or, we may be living in fear of others, always trying to
please and never being ourselves. Or, we may fear the future wondering if
something bad will happen to us. God's word addresses each one of these
First, when we come to know and experience the fullness of God's love it
changes our whole perspective. His spirit joins with our spirit giving us
assurance that we are his children and have nothing to fear. We no longer
cower before him but begin to develop a trusting relationship. We begin to call
him Father, dear Father.
Fear has to do with punishment, but God does not punish us because Jesus has
already taken all of the punishment we deserve. He does discipline us,
though. As a loving father he
disciplines us as we need it for our growth and development, but we need not fear
his actions knowing that they will always be for our good.
Love crowds out fear. As his love is perfected in us, our fears begin
to subside. The more we understand and experience God's love the less fear and
apprehension we will have. If we know we are his and he our loving father there
will be no room for fear.
Lord, help us to come to know deep in our hearts that we belong to you
and that you are our loving father from whom we have nothing to fear.
Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear.
If we are
afraid, it is for fear of punishment,
and this shows that we have not fully
experienced his perfect love.
1 John 4:18