Here is a quote from Brennan Strawn who for twenty years tried to live life his own way resulting in addiction and depression:
In that moment I saw my heart the way God sees my heart. I saw how much he was grieving for me..that he wasn't disappointed in me but instead was running to me..longing to just be with me and take all of the depression, shame, and guilt away. I felt loved and forgiven for the first time in 20 years. He took it all away.. all of the pain..all of the things that I had done and the people I had hurt..he took it all. Now I am filled with joy and love that I never knew existed.*
Lord, help us to see and know you as you really are a God who is not angry with us, but one who is consistently moving towards us in love. Take away our resistance and let us receive all the love and joy you have prepared for us.
If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful,
since he cannot deny himself.
2 Timothy 2:13
*To read the rest of the amazing story click here: Brennan Strawn - see his post for Dec 12
Listen to a beautiful song: He's Been Faithful